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Section 11.1 Preference Schedules

To begin, we’re going to want more information than a traditional ballot normally provides. A traditional ballot usually asks you to pick your favorite from a list of choices. This ballot fails to provide any information on how a voter would rank the alternatives if their first choice was unsuccessful.

Definition 11.1.1. Preference Ballot.

A preference ballot is a ballot in which the voter ranks the choices in order of preference.

Example 11.1.2.

A vacation club is trying to decide which destination to visit this year: Hawaii (H), Orlando (O), or Anaheim (A). Their votes are shown below:

Table 11.1.3.
Bob Ann Mary Alice Eve Omar Lupe Dave Tish Jim
1st Choice A A O H A O H O H A
2nd Choice O H H A H H A H A H
3rd Choice H O A O O A O A O O

These individual ballots are typically combined into one preference schedule, which shows the number of voters in the top row that voted for each option:

Table 11.1.4.
1 3 3 3
1st choice A A O H
2nd choice O H H A
3rd choice H O A O

Notice that by totaling the vote counts across the top of the preference schedule we can recover the total number of votes cast: \(1+3+3+3=10\) total votes.