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DataLab Platform Access

DataLab Platforms Mathematics Department Platforms Content Drive
Machine Learning Platform #1 Calculus 1 Content Drive
Machine Learning Platform #2 Calculus 2
Machine Learning Class Calculus 3
Sand Box Differential Equations
R Studio Linear Algebra

What to expect:

Each of the running platforms is a running linux environment that has all the neccessary tools preinstalled. This should allow you to work on python projects and research without the need to install programs or worry about compatibility. The environment that each of the links directs you to is called Jupyter Lab. This space will allow you to create and run Python3 code as well as typeset in Markdown. The sidebar on the right includes some example Jupyter Notebooks (.ipynb) as well as some prebuilt Python lectures. If you logged in using one of the student_# user names, please note that nothing will be saved after you close the window. This means that if you are interested in saving your code, please right click the file that you would like to save and choose download. If you are working on a school computer, save the file in your documents or email it to yourself.

Machine Learning Platforms

Platform used for machine learning research. This environment is built for machine learning using Tensorflow 2.0 Alpha. This platform has access to both of the GPU's and is configured to work with the latest Tensorflow version.

Differential Equations Platform

Platform used for Differential Equations projects. This environment is built for mathematics examples, dfferential equation applications and differential equation projects. The installed modules include:

  • numpy
  • pandas
  • matplotlib
  • tqdm
  • sympy
This platform will save files for the semester and each user has a unique directory. (Please note that at the end of the semester the files will be deleted)

Calculus Platforms

Platform used for Calculus examples. Each environment is built for mathematics examples for the different Calculus classes. The platforms have different lectures preinstalled. These environments will allow students to work with premade Jupyter Notebooks that introduce different important Calculus topics. (Please note that nothing is saved in on this platform. If you are interested in keeping your work, download the file and email it to yourself)


Platform for development and demonstration.